The Mundanity of Decoration vs Art

Don Quixote in Mendosino's Cave, mixed media art  by Rodrigo Palacios



“>>..night has fallen in the VIème arrondissement in Paris.  Or la nuit descendit dans la VIème arrondissement à Paris..

>> he gazes at her, she looks contorted, her eyes protrude from her sockets, the lower extremities tremble and quiver incessantly…

>>..her distended body seems to lengthen and thicken in rapid successions as her mouth appears to grimace fiercely.  Her face becomes a black hole under her disheveled hair. Here, she begins to shudder all over uncontrollably, as the shrieking words and grafting, surrounding, noise become more acute and unbearable.  Her color fluctuates from green to purple to black.

>>..this is when he gets up to fix the image on the television set…” (From “Woman Crossing The Seine An Anti-Novel” Rodrigo Palacios 2006)                                                                          

In Warhol’s “Brillo Boxes” it is a certain art theory (Plato, Danto) that elevates Warhol’s “Boxes” to Plato’s hyperuranium, thus preventing them from collapsing into the mundane vulgarity of objects in the grocery store. In this story, it is the world of literature and its theory - structuralism, among others - that elevates television static to the realm of art. With respect to the installation of a home or that of any other space, it is the observance of artistic principles which will rescue such “installation” from the mundanity of “decoration”.